
Illegal Building in Laguna

The illegal modification of hundreds of houses in South Laguna (now part of the city of Laguna) is so complex and emotionally charged an issue that it requires all the wisdom of Solomon to resolve.

Basically, the problem is that hundreds of homes in an already compact, congested area have been modified illegally, often by converting a garage into a living quarters, which has significantly added to the congestion.

The two opposing sides each have valid arguments on why the unlawful housing modifications should be maintained or removed.


The solution to this problem requires a spirit of creativity, fairness, foresight and cooperation. To bring the electrical, plumbing and other structural components up to code, the city of Laguna could offer residents of modified houses a cost-sharing plan to pay for these upgrades, with the city and owners each paying half. The city could offer a low-interest loan for residents who may have difficulty paying their portion.

The city could initiate a plan to purchase these modified homes at or above fair market value, one by one. Only then would the rooms be reconverted to garages, which would give renters some temporary security and sufficient time to look for new housing.

Also, the city needs to make a concerted effort to find suitable housing for displaced renters and could offer them a stipend (like a couple months’ rent) to help them through the trying interim period.



