
More Harassment

Regarding “Sex Harassment: The Problem That Won’t Go Away” (by Lynn Simross, Feb. 18), the American workplace is structured in such a way that employees have virtually no protection against harassment of any kind within the companies we work for.

Bosses decide where employees work, how much space they work in, when they can go to lunch, how long they have to eat. Bosses also determine how much we make, when we make more (or less), whether we’re promoted, and how long our tenure is with the company, unless we’re part of the small minority with a contract or union agreement.

Employees are never supposed to go “above” their bosses to seek relief from anything, including harassment. Usually the manager who is approached for help or advice “solves” the problem by speaking to the offending boss.

After that, the offending boss still determines where the harassed employee works, when the employee can go to lunch and just how much retaliation to mete out. In a work world where people have no recourse and no rights--enforced rights--within organizations because of the hierarchical power structure, sex harassment will not cease.



North Hollywood
