
Conflict in the Occupied Territories

The Times carried a story entitled “Ties to Terrorism, Extremists Tap Into U.S. Money Tree,” written by David Lamb (Part I, March 3). Lamb equates extremists groups such as the IRA and others with responsible mainstream organizations using simplistic labels to categorize all types of liberation movements. He equates “Zionists” with Nicaraguan Contras among others, and then proceeds to suggest that $1 billion raised privately for Israel is used in a similar manner to support terrorist activities and other extremist ventures in Israel and its territories.

Lamb is not only inaccurate in his conclusions, but is apparently ill-informed over IRS monitoring of U.S. charitable dollars given through the United Jewish Appeal to programs in Israel for educational, social services and health care related activities.

Similarly, a variety of responsible American-based Israel fund-raising programs, including such groups as Hadassah and the American Friends of Hebrew University, etc. are most careful to ensure the appropriateness of their contributions to the state of Israel.


It is of some irony that Lamb suggests that these charitable dollars are advanced to adversely affect U.S. interests and worse that these proceeds are used to support terrorist activities. In fact, Jews and Arabs are beneficiaries of services rendered by these types of charitable and educational institutions.


Executive Director

Jewish Federation Council

of Greater Los Angeles
