
Characterizing Shops at Beach

I read with interest the article regarding the arrest of William Scott Taylor (March 10).

The article indicates that Taylor was running a brothel “amid the greasy spoons, T-shirt and bikini shops on Main Street in Huntington Beach.”

I am a business owner in Huntington Beach and have run my restaurant, Sugar Shack, since 1967. Most of my customers are repeat visitors, many are professional people and are certainly not considered “greasy spoon” clientele.

It is unfortunate when all of the businesses on Main Street are painted with the same brush. We are not all sleazy. When your comments are written in a thoughtless manner, it is unfair to reputable business operators in Huntington Beach.


We want a clean city and are pleased when efforts are made to close any unlawful business. Please do not categorize all Main Street operations in the same group.


Huntington Beach
