
‘Cool Cats’

The article “Cool Cats” (June 6) stated that in order to preserve expensive fur coats, Orange County residents were strongly encouraged to put them in commercial cold storage from late spring through Thanksgiving.

I think owners of such coats should go one step further and put them permanently in cold storage, as I believe it’s a crime to buy and sell fur coats.

Instead of being titled “Cool Cats,” the article should have been titled “Cruel to Cats,” as skinning animals is not only a cruel and barbaric practice, but many wolves, foxes, sables, leopards, jaguars and countless other furry animals are in scarce supply due to the fur trade. They are viciously and needlessly being slaughtered just to give human beings another meaningless status symbol.


In earlier times, fur apparel may have served a useful purpose, as it was used to keep someone warm from the elements. Today, however, it is just used for pure ostentation.


