
Azusa Excavation Prompts Call for Letter Campaign

The Azusa City Council needs to hear the voice of the people. Our beautiful foothills are being forever scarred and disfigured by the Azusa Rock Co. Already an estimated 4 million to 8 million tons of irreplaceable rock and soil have been removed from Azusa’s foothills.

The noise of dynamite explosions, the dust that clouds our air and the trucks that cause wear and tear on our roads are all byproducts of this activity. We need to send a message to our City Council and that message is: Excavation must cease.

There are any number of ways that the City Council can stop this excavation. City staff members have concluded that the Azusa Rock Co. is in violation of its special-use permit. If Azusa Rock Co. is found by our City Council to be a detriment to public health, safety or a nuisance, the continual scarring of our foothills would stop.


If you agree that the excavation of the foothills is a public nuisance, please get involved in this matter! Let the Azusa City Council know. After all, our City Council should be the vehicle through which all the wishes of the community are realized. Please take time to write our City Hall.


