
Santa Monica

New Study Delays Office Plan

Santa Monica, in a concession to Los Angeles, has decided to issue a supplemental environmental study for a sprawling office complex at Santa Monica Airport.

The move will delay the $280-million, 1.4-million-square-foot project by two to three months, city officials said.

The first environmental impact report had included the assumption that the city of Los Angeles would widen Centinela Avenue, which would ease traffic out of the project.


But objections from residents on the Los Angeles side of the airport prompted Los Angeles officials to caution that the widening of Centinela should not be counted on and that another environmental report was necessary.

“The city of Los Angeles has convinced us they really may not do it (widen Centinela),” Community and Economic Development Director Peggy Curran said. “We believe we need to do an analysis of traffic impacts without the widening, and other mitigation measures. We are just trying to be particularly careful to have a full environmental process . . . above reproach.”

The supplemental report should be ready by mid-July.

The Reliance Development Group plans to build the complex on a 37.5-acre, mostly vacant parcel south of the airport.
