
Decriminalizing Drug Use

As a criminal lawyer with over 20 years of experience dealing with the fallout from the illegal use of drugs, I found Jerome Skolnick’s article on decriminalization of drugs (Op-Ed Page, June 22) both thoughtful and timely. His point that decriminalization must take place within a larger sphere of social activism is certainly well taken, but I doubt whether his list of recommendations goes far enough.

I think that in order to have an impact on drug usage in this country, it will still be necessary to make the use of drugs illegal. The sale and possession of drugs could be permitted, thus eliminating the profits flowing from supplying drugs, but anyone found to have used drugs should be subject to mandatory rehabilitation centers or incarceration.

The present system of attempting to suppress supply will never work; for every dealer sent to prison, 10 more take his place.


Only by eliminating demand will we be able to control our drug problem, which means lessening our dependence on lawyers and narcotic officers and putting more mental-health professionals to work.


Santa Monica
