
Kuwaiti Call for Tanker Help Led to U.S. Role in Gulf

From a Times Staff Writer

Here is a chronology of major military events in the Persian Gulf naval warfare that have involved the United States:

Sept. 22, 1980--After months of minor border clashes, the Iran-Iraq War begins. U.S. proclaims neutrality but says that oil must keep flowing through the gulf.

Dec. 10, 1986--Kuwait asks U.S. protection against Iranian attacks on its oil tankers in the Persian Gulf through a controversial re-flagging program.


March 7, 1987--The Reagan Administration offers to provide military escorts to 11 Kuwaiti tankers amid reports that Iran has deployed Chinese-made Silkworm missiles near the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

May 17, 1987--An Iraqi warplane accidentally attacks the U.S. frigate Stark, killing 37 American sailors.

July 24, 1987--One of the re-flagged Kuwaiti tankers, the Bridgeton, is damaged by a mine while en route to Kuwait.


Aug. 20, 1987--Iran admits placing mines in gulf. Says it is in defense of its borders.

Sept. 21, 1987--Armed U.S. helicopters from the U.S. frigate Jarrett capture an Iranian vessel laying mines in the gulf. Three Iranian sailors are killed and 26 captured.

Oct. 8, 1987--Four Iranian patrol boats fire at U.S. helicopters. American forces sink at least one of the attacking boats.

Oct. 16, 1987--The oil tanker Sea Isle City is struck by an Iranian Silkworm missile in Kuwaiti waters, injuring 18 crewmen, in the first Iranian attack on a re-flagged Kuwaiti ship.


Oct. 19, 1987--In retaliation, the U.S. Navy shells two of Iran’s offshore oil-drilling platforms, inflicting heavy damage.

Oct. 22, 1987--An Iranian Silkworm hits a Kuwaiti loading terminal for tankers.

Nov. 1, 1987--The Navy frigate Carr fires on three civilian Arab fishing boats it had mistaken for Iranian patrol boats. One fisherman is killed.

February, 1988--United States reduces naval presence in gulf but leaves 29 warships there.

April 14--A mine blast seriously damages the Navy frigate Samuel B. Roberts, injuring 10 members of the crew. The Reagan Administration charges that Iran is laying new mines.

April 18--U.S. forces retaliate for mine damage to Roberts, attacking and demolishing two Iranian oil platforms. U.S. attack fuels daylong fighting in which Iran loses six naval craft, including two of its best frigates. One U.S. Marine helicopter is lost, two servicemen killed.

April 22--Defense Secretary Franck C. Carlucci says U.S. warships will be allowed to intervene in attacks on non-U.S. vessels.

July 2--U.S. frigate comes to aid of Danish supertanker being fired on by Iranian gunboats in gulf. It was the first time a U.S. warship had come to the aid of a non-U.S.-flag tanker.


July 3--The cruiser Vincennes and the U.S. frigate Montgomery destroy two patrol boats that fired on an American helicopter near the Strait of Hormuz and the Vincennes mistakenly shoots down an Iranian airliner, fearing that it was an attacking Iranian warplane.
