
We’re Getting Too Cozy With Soviet Visitors

Is there anyone out there, besides me, who has the dreadful feeling that we are an occupied country--occupied by our enemy? The Soviet Union’s top military officer, Marshal Sergei F. Akhromeyev, has had a six-day tour of the United States, which took him to our military facilities, an aircraft carrier, the Alamo, an Indian reservation and the University of Oklahoma.

Seventy Soviets were here to inspect five missile facilities due to the treasonous INF Treaty.

A group of Soviets and Americans traveled across the United States to promote “peace,” not freedom. Now there is a collaborative effort under way for a Soviet-American musical comedy called “C Mai.”


Then, there are cultural exchange programs with Russian teachers and students invading us and Americans doing the same in the U.S.S.R. And there are athletes and ballet dancers.

It appears to me that the long- sought merger with the Soviet Union is a fait accompli. Truly, we have crawled into bed with the enemy.


El Monte
