
Cigarette Tax

In 1943 at the tender age of 17, I joined the U.S. Marine Corps. I was assigned to a radio watch in a small room with two other Marines. Both of them smoked. I went to sick bay and told the Navy doctor that the smoke was making me sick to my stomach. His advice to me was “start smoking and it won’t bother you.” I did and 50 years later I’m still smoking.

My point is that I’m a retired person and I have a habit that I can’t stop. Why should I have to continuously pay more and more taxes on cigarettes? How about a tax on Big Macs--they make you fat. What about a 10-cent tax on ice cream cones that also make you fat? Why not a tax on walking your dog?

Sound ridiculous? Sure it is. So is a new tax on us poor old nicotine heads. We pay a large tax right now. Anymore will take away from my Social Security check and my wife’s budget. I never smoke at any place where it might bother someone else. So get off my back with your taxes.



Canoga Park
