
Student Jailed After Tussle With Teacher

The Al Martinez column on Julian Chaney (June 30) finally did it. All the letters I’ve written in my head never made it to paper until now.

I think of Al Martinez as the Jim Murray of the Valley section, but when he centers his attention on an injustice there is no one better, because his sarcasm is exactly what this injustice deserves.

Judges are expected to serve the people and administer logical and fair treatment. In this time of chaos, a very difficult time for young people surrounded by unemployment, broken families, drugs, etc., Chaney appears motivated and ambitious. A young man to be proud of.


The probation officer has got to be a real dud, and, believe me, I’ve seen a few. Most are overworked and surely discouraged by the low success rate, so when a situation like the Chaney case shows up, such a recommendation is outrageous. That is where Judge Stephens should have stepped in and released the young man. If an example needed to be made, there will be someone, for sure, to fill the gap, because there are plenty of misdirected youngsters out there who deserve that treatment. Not Julian Chaney.


West Hills
