
South Gate : Swim Pool to Be Closed 5 Months for Repairs

After Labor Day, the city will close its Olympic-size 50-meter indoor pool for nearly five months for repairs. The pool, which normally is open year-round, is expected to reopen in February.

The repair project, which includes consultant fees, replacing aluminum piping, recoating and installing an electrical control system to help prevent corrosion, will cost nearly $275,000.

Built in 1976, the aluminum pool over the years has had numerous repairs related to corrosion, including sandblasting, recoating and modifying the contact between the pool and its concrete deck to reduce rusting.


“Because of this (corrosion), the pool has been a continuing maintenance and repair problem,” said Lisa Rapp, division engineer for South Gate.

The expense will be covered by money from the city’s Urban Development Action Grant entitlements and funds generated through leasing park land to the Los Angeles Unified School District for the temporary relocation of an elementary school.

Meanwhile, litigation filed in 1986 in Superior Court against the major pool contractor, Mille & Severson of Irvine, is continuing, City Atty. Bruce Boogaard said. The city is contending that the proper “cathodic protection” was not installed to prevent corrosion.
