

Clipboard researched by Henry Rivero and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

THE HARRY AND GRACE STEELE FOUNDATION Address: 441 Old Newport Blvd., Suite 301, Newport Beach 92663. Telephone: (714) 631-9158. Purpose and activities: Emphasis on higher and secondary education (including scholarship funds), the fine arts, population control, hospitals, clinics and youth agencies. Giving primarily in Orange County. THE R. C. BAKER FOUNDATION Address: P.O. Box 6150, Orange 92613-6150. Purpose and activities: Emphasis on higher education, including scholarships administered by selected colleges and universities; some support for youth agencies, hospitals, health agencies, community funds, cultural programs and social programs. Giving primarily in California and Texas. THE ARNOLD AND MABEL BECKMAN FOUNDATION Address: c/o Hopper Kaufmann & Co., 5140 Campus Drive, Suite 100, Newport Beach 92660. Telephone: (714) 851-0500. Purpose and activities: Support for higher education and scientific and medical research; emphasis on research in genetics and human and artificial intelligence. Giving primarily in California. LAYNE FOUNDATION Address: 19 Rue Cannes, Newport Beach 92660. Telephone: (714) 644-6438. Purpose and activities: Emphasis on lending money to build or improve churches and church schools; primary borrowers are churches that do not have sufficient credit at their banks or thrifts. O. L. HALSELL FOUNDATION Address: P.O. Box 6300, Santa Ana 92706. Purpose and activities: Grants for religious, charitable and youth-oriented organizations. Giving primarily in Orange County. THE FLUOR FOUNDATION Address: 3333 Michelson Drive, Irvine 92730. Telephone: (714) 975-6797. Purpose and activities: Support for higher education, including scholarships for children of company employees; community service organizations, including social and cultural programs. Giving primarily where the corporation has permanent offices. THAGARD FOUNDATION Address: 215 E. Commonwealth Ave., Suite A, P.O. Box 171, Fullerton 92632. Purpose and activities: Emphasis on higher education, medical research and hospitals, primarily in California. MURDY FOUNDATION Address: 335 Centennial Way, Tustin 92680. Purpose and activities: Emphasis on higher education and support for Protestant churches; grants also given also for cultural programs, social agencies and conservation. Giving primarily in California. FIRST FRUIT INC. Address: 444 Isabella Terrace, Corona del Mar 92625. Purpose and activities: Giving primarily to evangelical ministries. ALBERT SOILAND CANCER FOUNDATION Address: c/o Meserve Mumper & Hughes, 5190 Campus Drive, P.O. Box 7820, Newport Beach 92660. Telephone: (714) 474-8995. Purpose and activities: Grants for the care and treatment of needy cancer patients; fellowships in radiological therapy; grants for cancer research. THE MARSHBURN FOUNDATION Address: 1201 S. Beach Blvd., Suite 105, La Habra 90631. Purpose and activities: Support of Protestant churches and higher education, primarily in California. The following foundations have Orange County offices but are based elsewhere. THE JAMES IRVINE FOUNDATION Based in: San Francisco. Local address: 450 Newport Center Drive, Suite 545, Newport Beach 92660. Local telephone: (714) 644-1362. Purpose and activities: Grants for higher education, health, youth services, community services and cultural projects. Giving limited to California. CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Based in: Los Angeles. Local address: 4050 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 300, Orange 92668. Local telephone: (714) 937-9077. Purpose and activities: Support for arts, humanities, education, the environment, health, human services, the handicapped, public affairs and community development. Giving limited to Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. * Foundations with more than $1 million in assets or making more than $100,000 in annual grants. ORANGE COUNTY FOUNDATIONS: FINANCIAL DATA (Dollar amounts in thousands)

For Year Gifts Expendi- Foundation Name * Ended Assets Received tures Harry and Grace Steele 10/31/87 $47,714 $0 $9,177 R.C. Baker 12/31/85 18,939 **** 500 1,177 Arnold and Mabel Beckman 8/31/85 16,556 5,695 8,297 Layne ** 12/31/86 4,634 0 14 O.L. Halsell 12/31/85 4,315 18 125 Fluor *** 10/31/85 3,960 536 1,618 Thagard 4/30/85 2,696 0 166 Murdy 12/31/85 2,659 0 146 First Fruit 12/31/85 1,571 250 42 Albert Soiland 6/30/85 1,397 0 90 Cancer ***** Marshburn ****** 10/31/86 1,199 76 68 James Irvine 12/31/86 423,008 0 18,495 California Community 6/30/87 69,961 16,235 5,583

Grants Foundation Name Amount No. High Harry and Grace Steele $9,018 68 $1,973 R.C. Baker 1,048 247 60 Arnold and Mabel Beckman 8,086 9 2,000 Layne ** 2 3 ** O.L. Halsell 56 9 12 Fluor *** 1,460 810 200 Thagard 129 14 50 Murdy 134 12 47 First Fruit 34 5 12 Albert Soiland 50 2 35 Cancer ***** Marshburn ****** 68 15 13 James Irvine 17,303 230 1,250 California Community 4,241 398 700


* Most recent data available. ** The Layne Foundation issued four loans totaling $980,000. The highest grant amount was $800. *** The Fluor Foundation gave matching gifts totaling $158,264. **** The R.C. Baker Foundation gave 37 matching gifts totaling $33,870. *****The Albert Soiland Cancer Foundation also gave a $2,000 scholarship. ****** The Marshburn Foundation issued two loans totaling $68,100. Sources: The Foundation Center; individual foundations.
