
Local News in Brief : Garden Grove : Host Families Sought for Australian Teachers

Teachers from New Zealand and Australia are coming to visit Orange County, and a nonprofit group based in Garden Grove is seeking families in the county willing to share their homes with the visitors for 2 weeks.

“Opportunities to ‘adopt’ a teacher from Down Under for two weeks in January remain open,” said Galal Kernahan, executive director of the American Host Foundation. The foundation annually arranges visits for foreign teachers so they can see the American way of life.

Kernahan said American Host Foundation is seeking Orange County families who can take in a teacher for the periods Jan. 3 to 16 or Jan. 16 to 28.


The foundation already has arranged for activities for the Australian and New Zealand teachers during their stay in Orange County.

Kernahan asked persons interested in playing host to a teacher to call the foundation at (714) 537-5711.
