
Yes on Prop. D, Too

Your endorsement of the citizens’ initiative, Proposition J, was well-reasoned and is welcomed by most San Diegans. I was disappointed, however, that you failed to endorse Proposition D, J’s companion measure for the unincorporated county. D and J were conceived and drafted as measures that would provide a regional basis for growth control, the principal reason you give for supporting the politicians’ Proposition C.

It is important that voters know Proposition D and J will slow San Diego’s growth rate to that of the national or California average until minimum federal and state standards are met for traffic flow, drinking water, sewage, clean air and trash disposal. Hundreds of other American and California towns and cities are able to meet these standards now. The city and county will never meet these standards so long as growth continues at three to four times the national average. D and J protect areas such as steep slopes, canyons and flood plains from inappropriate development. Both measures are well crafted and can be modified after one year by the voters if necessary.

The developers are spending millions of dollars to draw a scenario of economic depression. They want to convince us that an annual population growth rate similar to Bangladesh is required for a healthy economy. The most successful economies in the world, Japan, West Germany and Switzerland, have little or no population growth. Our present growth is destroying the ambiance of San Diego.


D and J are the best opportunities San Diegans have had in years to preserve those qualities that bless those of us living here and make San Diego so attractive to others. Save San Diego. Vote YES on D and J!!


San Diego
