
Bushes Join ‘Messiah’ Sing-Along

Associated Press

President-elect and Mrs. George Bush worshiped in a black Baptist church on Christmas Sunday, blending their voices at times with a choir singing excerpts from Handel’s “Messiah.”

“Beautiful service, just lovely,” said the vice president as he left the 19th Street Baptist Church. “Beautiful music,” he said.

Bush and his wife joined with obvious enjoyment as the choir sang the ringing “Hallelujah Chorus” from the Handel work.


The Rev. Jerry A. Moore, pastor of the church, said he extended the invitation at a Christmas party in the vice president’s residence after Bush mentioned he would like to attend the service.

“We are delighted that you were able to share this spiritual occasion with us,” Moore said from the pulpit. “May God be with you and make your joys mount in his name.”

Mrs. Bush told reporters that her present from the President-elect “was just what I asked for”--a computerized dictionary. She did not explain further, but it was believed she referred to a hand-held, calculator-size electronic device.


She said she wanted it “to spell words for me.”

Asked what she gave her husband, she replied: “A big, fat kiss.”

The Bushes planned to spend the rest of Christmas Day with members of their family. The vice president leaves today for Beeville in South Texas to hunt on the 10,000-acre Lazy F Ranch owned by Houston millionaire Will Farish. Bush has hunted there for the last 20 years.

A White House aide said Bush, an Episcopalian, enjoys attending different churches. This was his third visit to the 19th Street Baptist Church. The Bushes’ attendance at the service was not publicized and the church was half empty. They were accompanied by Rep. G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery (D-Miss.).
