
A Virgin No More

Forget Luke Skywalker. Formerly squeaky-clean Mark Hamill is back in a new movie, “Slipstream” . . . playing a bearded, ruthless killer cop who guns down men and women who get in his way! It opened in London on Friday and is set for the U.S. this summer.

Taking the nasty role was a deliberate career move for Hamill, now 36, who abandoned films after “Return of the Jedi” was finished in 1982.

“I was (over) 30 and still getting scripts in which I lost my virginity,” he recalled. “I had the image of a callow, innocent, blond goodie-goodie. So I decided to disappear from the cinema until I was believable as an adult.”


The film, produced by Gary Kurtz (“Star Wars”), is set on a future Earth jolted by a series of natural disasters that leave pockets of isolated civilization linked by a slipstream of air. Bill Paxton stars as the hero whom Hamill is out to find and destroy.
