
Dark Angel Offers Lesson in Endurance

Thrash and speed metal, like any other musical form, has its lesser gods--bands that don’t have the brutal artistry of Metallica or the fire and sarcasm of Slayer, but who have enough power to give their fans a hefty dose of sweating and slamming. Dark Angel is one such group. The L.A. quintet goes for pure heaviness, and its show Saturday at Fender’s gave the packed audience a lesson in endurance. The hour-plus speedfest went on relentlessly until the club’s glass doors were fogged over by the oppressive heat.

With its machine-gun drumming, cacophony of guitars and vocals that sounded like a 78 r.p.m. rap, Dark Angel will probably never find mass appeal. But that seems to matter little to the group, whose latest album, “Leave Scars,” willingly sacrifices melody to crushing rhythms.

Second-slotted Dr. Know, on the other hand, emphasized its melodic sensibilities, which at times diminished its power. The band’s time changes lacked the dynamics that make thrash’s left-hook punch so effective. Some tunes had a good, bluesy feel, but this group isn’t yet strong enough to blend its multiple elements.
