
In Support of Malibu Council

As a member of the Malibu community, I would like to comment on an article, “Developer Sues Malibu Council for Attack in Ad” (Times, Feb. 12).

At this time, I have nothing to say in public about Mr. (Roy) Crummer even though he is a public figure and I believe I have the right to my opinion and to voice it. Anyway, I want to support the Malibu Township Council and its many efforts on the behalf of the land and oceans of Malibu, along with its residents.

When you live in a large community with no local government, it becomes apparent that you have little power without money or large areas of land. The rest of the residents are left with only their voice, which sometimes gets loud out of frustration over such things as taxation without representation, concern over our personal home and environment, and our continuing difficulties in gaining local control through cityhood.


I applaud the Malibu Township Council’s 40-plus-year history of being “the ruling political body” with its efforts to protect and better our community along with putting all our little voices together into a shout to be heard.


