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Although heroin has been the biggest drug killer in the county during the 1980s, in 1987, the most recent year for which information is available, cocaine took over the lead. It was the direct cause of death in 13 cases. The 10 fatalities attributed to heroin represented an 80% decline from the previous year. (Due to differences in technical aspects of data collection and the testing procedures used, some of the state-provided data below does not match county data used in other charts).
Drug category 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Amphetamines 2 0 0 0 0 1 Barbituates 8 11 9 4 5 2 Cannibis products (marijuana) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cocaine 4 5 9 16 11 18 Heroin, related opiates 24 32 35 36 52 51 Hallucinogens (mushrooms, LSD) 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tranquilizers 9 9 17 17 15 9 Other * 66 84 75 57 64 75 TOTALS 114 141 145 130 147 156
Drug category ** 1987 Amphetamines 1 Barbituates 2 Cannibis products (marijuana) 0 Cocaine 13 Heroin, related opiates 10 Hallucinogens (mushrooms, LSD) 0 Tranquilizers 0 Other * 71 TOTALS 97
* Not enough deaths to make a separate category or multiple drugs in the body.
** Most recent data available.
Source: California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs