
Residents Object to Hospital’s Plan for Parking Structure

I am writing on behalf of 122 people who have signed a petition about a five-level parking structure proposed by the Garfield Medical Center in Monterey Park. Our main concern is that it would directly face homes in the 600 block of Baltimore Avenue.

The structure would have many adverse affects on us, but the Planning Commission did not feel it necessary to call for an environmental impact report.

We suggested an alternative site (at the City Council meeting June 5) that was ignored. We feel that if the hospital had good intentions, it would practice some good neighbor policies and help mitigate the problem.


You would think the council would practice some simple manners while people were speaking. Council members didn’t appear to be listening when these concerns were raised.

I truly question the qualification of some of these people to run City Hall and defend and protect our bests interests, although Councilman Christopher F. Houseman did seem to be worried about the impact on our neighborhood.


Monterey Park
