

From United Press International

Main provisions of “boat people” plan adopted by delegates from 70 countries to International Conference on Indochinese Refugees in Geneva:

* Status of asylum-seekers to be determined as quickly as possible by “qualified and competent national authority;” right of appeal in case of rejection, and governments to observe “need to respect the family unit.”

* “Temporary refuge will be given to all asylum-seekers, who will be treated identically regardless of their mode of arrival until the status determination process is completed.” U.N. officials to have “full and early access to new arrivals.”


* “Persons determined not to be refugees should return to their country of origin;” every effort to be made “to encourage the voluntary return of such persons;” returnees can go back “in conditions of safety and dignity and will not be subject to persecution,” and “alternatives” to be examined for non-refugees refusing repatriation.

* “Human measures” to deter clandestine departures, official measures against organizers of sailings and media campaign to persuade Vietnamese that leaving is dangerous and that there is little hope of resettlement.

* Vietnam “will fully cooperate” in accelerating orderly legal departures.

* More countries should admit genuine Vietnamese refugees.

* Concerning Laotian asylum-seekers, future measures to be negotiated trilaterally between U.N. refugee commissioner, Laos and Thailand.


* Steering committee based in Southeast Asia to monitor agreed-upon measures and act as coordinator for involved governments.
