
Day Leaves Position as Baseball Assistant at CS Northridge

Randy Day, a first-year assistant baseball coach at Cal State Northridge, has resigned to pursue a career outside coaching.

Day, 29, said that the time commitment for baseball was the main reason for his decision to leave Coach Bill Kernen’s staff.

“I don’t think I could give him (Kernen) all the time that’s necessary to build that program into what it’s going to be,” said Day, who is completing work for a degree in speech communications at the University of Texas. “I told Bill I appreciated him giving me the chance.”


Day will return to the Valley in July and is planning to be married in January.

“I’m not sure what I’m going to do (career-wise),” Day said. “But I wouldn’t feel right taking a job and doing only half of what is necessary. As far as getting married and having a family, it (coaching) would be very difficult.”

Said Kernen: “Randy worked hard and spent a really unbelievable amount of time. He made some real progress as a coach. But we all have to make choices about what we want to do.”
