
Residents Urged to Speak Up About Mall

Monterey Park is moving rapidly forward with plans to tear down Atlantic Square shopping center and allow in its place a very crowded and poorly designed shopping mall. Millions in city redevelopment funds are being used for the project.

The project would provide spaces for 75 stores, nearly double the number there now. The developer is requesting variances which will allow him to provide inadequate parking; build stores 10 feet higher than the building code allows; eliminate the required 15-foot setbacks along Gerhart and Riggin streets, and eliminate an existing alley.

In addition, the developer is requesting five liquor licenses for Atlantic Square and proposes to close Floral Drive access through the square. The city also plans to widen Atlantic Boulevard and cut down some mature trees along Atlantic.


And the city has filed a statement saying the proposed development will have no negative environmental impact on our neighborhoods!

This scheme has been moving forward without our input. We want the city to stop and look at what it’s doing. This project will have a major impact on our families and our property. It is time for the residents to get involved.

Join the Citizens for Atlantic Square Restoration Enhancement (CARE). Call me for a petition requesting an environmental impact report and get your neighbors to sign it.



Monterey Park
