
Agenda for Cleaning Up Our Dirty Air

There isn’t one word mentioned about smog produced by the airlines. Why?

The planes produce a lot of smog on the runways trying to get off the ground. And they produce a lot of smog 5 to 7 miles up in the air. Especially on heavily traveled routes. I’ve been on nine planes the past 30 days and have seen a lot of smog around airports. Also some dark trails in the sky.

Increased population means more cars so I see very little that can be accomplished to reduce smog in future years for the Los Angeles area, or around any of the big cities.

Flying north of Guadalajara, Mexico, I saw over a hundred fires--some small, some large in a 300-mile area; the white smoke from them rose up in the air and covered the entire valley . . . just like they were clouds. Terrible! I’m told Mexico doesn’t bother to put them out. For nearly an hour all I could see at 30,000 feet were smoke clouds, and the wind blowing them north toward the U.S.



