
Treat for ‘Dead’ Heads

Those carnivorous zombies from the 1968 cult classic, “Night of the Living Dead,” will return to Pittsburgh this fall, when film maker George Romero mounts a remake to be financed by Menahem Golan’s 21st Century Film Corp. Romero has “updated” the script and will produce, but not direct again--that chore now goes to makeup and effects artist Tom Savini.

“The only major change planned is to film in color,” Romero told us. He said he reluctantly became involved in a remake “to have a hand in maintaining the film’s integrity.”

Another motivator, he admitted: the opportunity to cash in on the film’s undying popularity, since those most closely involved with the original have seen only a fraction of its profits.


“It’s hardly an uncommon story,” Romero added, alluding to widespread bootlegging. “There probably isn’t a week that goes by that the original isn’t playing somewhere in the world, and I can tell you that I have no idea who’s seeing that revenue.”
