
State, Mobil Settle Refinery Violations

The state Department of Health Services settled a civil complaint Friday against Mobil Oil Corp. for hazardous waste violations at the company’s Torrance refinery.

The complaint, filed by the state attorney general’s office in August, 1988, charged the company with illegal disposal of oil-contaminated soil, lack of emergency communication equipment in the refinery’s hazardous waste storage area and inadequate space in the storage area.

The complaint also charged the company with improper labels on hazardous waste containers and several record-keeping violations.


The complaint sought to make Mobil clean up the contaminated areas, perform a comprehensive environmental audit to improve waste handling methods and identify ways to reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated.

State Health Director Kenneth Kizer said Mobil agreed to pay a $125,000 fine and make up to $225,000 in improvements to the handling of hazardous wastes at the refinery.
