
Low Voter Turnout

The letter by Harleigh Kyson Jr. hit the nail on the head for me. He correctly describes the Democratic and Republican parties as “a corrupt set of identical twins.” The statement itself makes for a very large piece of the puzzle of why we had the lowest voter turnout in history last November.

Realistically, not much more than 25% of the American people wanted anything to do with George Bush, based on those who voted and those who could have. And when you think about those of us who felt that Ronald Reagan’s eight years in office were no more than one big PR campaign, it may not have surprised some of us that some of the people out there became apathetic to the point of not voting. But I didn’t expect the 50% turnout we experienced. I still believe that voting is the best way to be heard.

But, I do have one pet peeve . . . the Electoral College. Personally, I’d like to see it trashed. I think it demeans the voter by the implication that our votes aren’t enough. In my mind, the popular vote should be sufficient.



Los Angeles
