
An Astronaut’s Views on U.S. Space Program

I read through crocodile tears your article (July 16) on the sorry plight of Col. (ret.) Buzz Aldrin, who, it seems, “does not get the attention and privileges that his status deserves.” Nor is he consulted on our future in space as “he thinks he should be.”

It seems Aldrin has not learned, even after graduating from West Point and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and over seven years at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, there is no end to selfhood.

The fact that the powers that be, after Aldrin’s being away from the military for over 11 years, did not assign him as commandant of cadets at the Air Force Academy seems self-explanatory.


To even allude to being dissatisfied with the “second choice” landing on the moon is a hint at Aldrin’s attitude. It is obvious that he suffers from the same disease that affects our present-day so-called heroes and politicians: the disease of egotism.


South Laguna
