
Boy Struck With Bat Leaves Hospital; Prognosis Bright

Joshua Garrett, the 9-year-old boy whose skull was fractured last week by someone swinging a bat, was released Sunday night from Children’s Hospital, hospital officials said.

Joshua has progressed rapidly and is expected to fully recover, said hospital spokesman Mark Morelli.

Garrett was struck on the back of the head as he rode to a convenience store in south San Diego on his sister’s bicycle. A car drove up behind him, and one of the passengers struck him, San Diego police said.


Two teen-age boys were arrested in connection with the attack and are expected to appear at a detention hearing Tuesday in Juvenile Court. Prosecutors want to try the teen-agers as adults.

Meanwhile, a fund has been established by a group of recent nursing-school graduates to defray the boy’s medical costs.

“I just felt there was a need,” said Marcia Miles of her decision to help set up the fund. “I feel like the community better start caring around here and get involved.”


Donations can be sent to the Joshua Leon Garrett Fund, Bank of America, 1775 Camino de la Reina, San Diego, CA 92108.
