
Ex-Councilman Recovering

Former Redondo Beach Councilman Archie Snow, who was hospitalized Sunday when his lungs began to fill with fluid, said Wednesday that he is recovering from the ailment and will soon take up his battle to win another term on the City Council.

“I’m too young to quit,” said the 70-year-old veteran of Redondo Beach politics. “I’ve got a lot of things to do.”

Snow, who had heart surgery in January and has a defibrillator implanted in his chest, asked the city last month to lift its two-term limit on elected officials. His lawyer contended that the limit, imposed by voters in a 1975 amendment to the City Charter, is unconstitutional and should not be enforced so that Snow can seek a third term on the council.


The council is expected to take up the issue later this month after getting a legal opinion on whether the state or individual municipalities have the right to set conditions for elected officials.

Snow has said that his heart ailment prevented him from campaigning successfully for mayor earlier this year, when he and four other contenders sought that office. Speaking about his latest health hitch from his hospital bed, Snow said he experienced shortness of breath and thought at first that it was caused by smog.

But he said his doctors diagnosed his condition as pulmonary edema. “I was drowning in my own juices, but it’s not a heart problem,” he said, adding that he expects to go home Friday.
