
Consider Moving Site of Motocross

The recent Azusa Planning Committee meeting was asked to consider public nuisance charges against the Eagles Lodge motocross, which included noise, pollution and sanitation violations. In defense of the (motocross), a former mayor of Azusa implied that because the neighbors are of the “Johnny-come-lately” variety, they had no right to complain. This from a person one would expect to head a welcoming committee for new citizens.

First there was a denial of violations of time limitations. When such violations were proven, the (motocross advocates) claimed they were unaware of their existence. They claimed the operation is for the benefit of children to keep them out of trouble with drugs, alcohol, etc.

I suggest there are religious groups who would be happy to provide a copy of the Ten Commandments, which would teach them to tell the truth and respect their neighbor. With respect to noise, I would like to have someone tell me of a sport (hockey, football, baseball, basketball) that requires play-by-play description over an excessively loud P.A. system for spectators who are able to see the action. Certainly neighbors within a quarter-mile radius have no interest in race results.


A suggestion with which I heartily agree was to study the possibility of having the events removed to a rural area, which is what this area was when permission was first granted.


