
Growth Hormone in Milk Supply

The column by Samuel S. Epstein, “Growth Hormones Would Endanger Milk” (Op-Ed Page, July 27), contains some factual information and a great deal of scientific exaggeration, designed more to frighten than enlighten. The facts and the speculation in the article that are grounded in good science have for a long time been well known by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The exaggerations (e.g., that increased bacterial infections in cows will require treatment with antibiotics that will pass to man and create antibiotic-resistant infections in the general population, that somehow the use of bovine somatotropin may create infections in man similar to AIDS, that cows are widely contaminated with carcinogens in their body fat) do a significant disservice to your readers.

Several things to keep in mind:

* Bovine somatotropin is under evaluation at the FDA, as it is in Canada and Europe. It is not yet approved for commercial use here. A few questions relating to animal safety and efficacy remain. There are no questions, though, relating to the wholesomeness and safety of the milk from treated cows.

* To now, the FDA has authorized experimental use of the drug in a number of dairy herds, and based on a thorough evaluation, use of the milk for consumption has been determined safe.


Please be assured that we, at the FDA, will deal with this animal drug, as with any other, in a fair, objective and scientific manner.



Center for Veterinary Medicine

Dept. of Health & Human Services

Rockville, Md.
