
Redondo Selects Fire Chief

James Black, who will retire as Redondo Beach’s fire chief next month, will be replaced by Richard B. Bridges, the head of the Daly City Fire Department in Northern California, City Manager Tim Casey announced this week.

Bridges, 45, one of 60 candidates for the position, was National City’s fire chief for four years before taking the Daly City position six years ago.

Five finalists were interviewed by two panels composed of city officials and a school official. Casey, who has responsibility for appointing and removing city department heads, made the final selection. He said the city is negotiating Bridges’ monthly salary, which will be between $5,080-to-$6,603.


Bridges is expected to report for work Sept. 11. Black, who was fire chief for 18 of his 20 years with the department, will continue to serve until Sept. 15 to help with the transition, Casey said.

The runner-up among finalists was Patrick Aust, 40, a battalion chief and member of the local Fire Department for 20 years.
