
Kissinger’s View of China Crisis

Kissinger’s Opinion piece reveals once again Kissinger’s consistent refusal to support human rights or promote democracy beyond our own borders. Kissinger’s repeated failure to stand for these principles is only exceeded by his dependable support for status quo governments, no matter how bloody and repugnant.

Kissinger praises Deng while obscuring his own past on this issue. Remember, he was the architect of doing business with Mao. Kissinger defends Deng’s bloody crackdown by claiming, “No Government in the world would have tolerated . . . (the demonstration).” Perhaps Kissinger has been in the company of totalitarian dictators so long that he has forgotten the basic principles of democratic society. One only needs to look in front of the White House, where demonstrators from various causes have held year-long vigils.

Lastly, Kissinger’s support for the “important” relationship with repressive totalitarian dictators conflicts with what democracy leaders from Beijing to Moscow and all points around have been telling us: “Stop undermining our efforts, stop trading and financing with our repressors.



Washington, D.C.

Colman is East/West affairs specialist and coordinator of support programs for the democracy movements in the Soviet Bloc at the American Foundation for Resistance International.
