
Screen Writing

Ever wonder how long it takes a typist to type up a screenplay?

Those in the business say it requires at least 10 hours to professionally type a 100-page screenplay. It takes at least another three hours to proof the script. And typing screenplays that are handwritten can take at least twice as long, experts say.

Another Hollywood industry that relies on screenwriters--and which screenwriters depend upon heavily--is the agency business.

Agents try to make contacts with studio executives who may be interested in screenplays. The standard fee for agents: 10% of the selling price of the script.


How much should a screenwriter pay for computer equipment?

That depends, of course, on the writer--and the store. But the Writer’s Computer Store in West Los Angeles sells complete hardware and software packages for $1,800 to $6,000, said co-owner Gabriele Zinke. “After $6,000,” said Zinke, “I’d really have to think hard to figure out anything else to add on.”
