
Catastrophic Care Controversy

I am writing in response to the Edwin M. Yoder Jr. column on the catastrophic care controversy (“To All of the Entitlements Claimed by the Elderly, Add Catastrophic Greed,” Op-Ed Page, Sept. 26). I would like to point out to Yoder and others critical of the politics of my generation that we pay taxes for schools, welfare, public health services to infants and children and child protection although we will have no need of these services. We pay and we agree that we should pay for these services that benefit the social welfare of the country.

We agree that everyone should pay for social programs, but we do not agree that we (40% of people 65 years and older) should pay a disproportionate share of the cost of a social program that is not even restricted to seniors only. A tax levied solely on the basis of age--any age--is discriminatory and unfair. If it were levied at Yoder’s age group, he too might become part of a “howling mob.” Of course he could not be called an “old codger” any more than he could ever be called a dumb broad.


Chula Vista
