
Computer Firms Say Virus Threat Is Serious

From Reuters

Major computer companies say they are taking seriously the threat of a computer virus attack later this week and are advising employees to take precautions to protect their systems.

American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and International Business Machines Corp. have both issued internal memos warning staff about the impending virus, called Datacrime, which is expected to be activated Thursday or Friday.

A computer virus is a destructive program in a computer system that can damage or destroy data. It is called a virus because it acts like a biological virus--it can travel from an “infected” disk or program and infect other computers.


Computer industry experts say Datacrime is an especially dangerous virus that could infect older IBM personal computers and compatibles based on Intel Corp.’s 8086 chip.

Puts Organization at Risk

“It’s very, very rare but very destructive,” said Russell Brand, chief technical adviser at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif. Brand said his group has examined Datacrime in an infected computer.

Since networked computer systems are so widely used by major corporations, universities and the government, a virus could disrupt thousands of machines. A virus also puts an organization at risk if its computer is penetrated by outsiders or exposed to programs of unknown origin.


Brand said Datacrime is unique because it can wipe out a complete hard disk. “Most viruses, you can put the data back together,” he said.

Without a hard disk drive, there is no way of getting to information on the disk, except to re-format that sector--thus destroying all the files.

At AT&T; Bell Laboratories, employees were warned not to use software from unknown sources and to back up data.


IBM, which introduced an anti-viral software product last week, said it is advising its employees to begin using its new software, and make copies of their data.

IBM’s product scans IBM compatible computer programs, looking for a change in programming patterns that may signify a computer virus.

Source Is Unknown

Datacrime, also dubbed the Columbus Day virus because of this week’s Columbus Day holiday, has already infected a number of corporate systems and government installations.

Experts do not know the source of Datacrime, except that it was first discussed publicly at a conference for computer hackers in Europe this summer.

Brand and other experts said there are other viruses rumored among computer hackers--one estimate is that about 77 viruses are in circulation.

One of the oldest viruses is called Jerusalem and has about 12 strains, or variations. Jerusalem, which was discovered by a professor at Hebrew University, may also awaken later this week.


Computer viruses became international news last November when Robert Morris, a Cornell University graduate student, wrote and unleashed a program that eventually got into one of the largest computer networks in the United States.

“People are worried about (viruses), especially those that rely on their PCs,” said Michael Riemer, executive vice president of Foundationware Inc., a consulting firm in Cleveland. “But what viruses have done is forced people to look at security and system management in place.”

Increased concern about viruses has led to more anti-viral software programs on the market, some available at no cost through software-sharing programs.
