
East Germany Opens the Berlin Wall

Amid the seemingly universal euphoria over the changes in East Germany, am I the only person alive who remembers the 1930s and ‘40s? Were all of our journalists, diplomats, military experts and academic authorities born yesterday?

Your Op-Ed article touting the “logic” of German reunification really raised my hackles (Nov. 13). So, it is logical that all the German-speaking people who share a history and culture should want to be one nation? How long before it is logical to declare an anschluss with Austria? To march into the Sudetenland and the Saar and western Polish provinces where German is spoken?

The deputy mayor declared that West Germany seeks to see East Germany incorporated only into the total new European Community. She did not mention the likely outcome: German hegemony over all of Europe. Here we go again!

ETHEL H. BLACKER, Sherman Oaks
