Will on Campus Censorship
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In his column “U.S. Campuses Are Putting Sensitivity Police on Patrol” (Op-Ed Page, Nov. 5), George Will displays not only his customary arrogance, but a great deal of ignorance as well. I strongly disagree with his labeling of college and university policies which discourage racism, sexism and homophobia as “censorship.” Will forgets that one of the primary reasons one attends an institution of higher learning is to expand one’s understanding of the world outside of the household and neighborhood. It is for this reason that nearly all four-year colleges require a core curriculum which includes courses in world history and literature.
Many students come to college from sheltered backgrounds, lacking awareness of and sensitivity to many issues of race and gender. Is it wrong for a school to promote student awareness of these issues? Awareness cannot be fostered in an environment where intolerance and abuse are considered acceptable.
Will wrongly proclaims that attempts to reduce overt racism and sexism are a liberal plot. Is it only liberals who would like to see an atmosphere of tolerance and understanding on our college campuses? Is it only liberals who feel that all college students, regardless of race, gender or sexual preference, should be free to pursue a course of study without fear of slurs being yelled when they enter a cafeteria, or school newspaper articles circulating derision?
Will insults Republicans by suggesting that only liberals encourage an environment of tolerance in our institutions, and he insults everyone by implying that if we do not stand up and cheer for bigots, we are denying the bigots their rights.