
East Germany Opens the Berlin Wall

Over the last few months I have been watching, reading, and thinking about the seemingly momentous events occurring in this world of ours. I am a strong national security advocate (went to West Point and work in the defense industry), and yet I find myself wondering if I should change careers. The Berlin Wall is coming down and I am greatly moved. To all those who would continue to subvert the will of the people I say, let freedom ring and democracy reign so that “government of the people, by the people and for the people shall” spread throughout this earth.

Let us rejoice and act that our peoples may move forward, together, as there is much to do. There are scourges that must be addressed; toxic wastes, poverty, homelessness, alcoholism, disease, natural disasters, a failing infrastructure of roads, bridges, dams, and an environment that bleeds and cries for help. As I look in wonderment at these incredible times, sensing vast changes, I am grateful to God, and ask how can I help? The Statue of Liberty must have wiped some tears away as her arms spread its welcome to our Eastern Bloc friends. I know I did.

CRAIG V. LANDRITH, Hermosa Beach
