
Rewards Offered to Defectors From Cambodia Regime

From United Press International

Cambodian resistance commander Prince Norodom Ranariddh has broadcast offers of rewards to defectors from the Communist Cambodian government ranging up to $40,000 in gold for anyone fleeing with a Soviet-built MIG jet fighter.

Ranariddh, commander of the forces loyal to his father, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, said in the Wednesday night broadcast that the safety of defectors would be assured.

The resistance leader has previously encouraged troops and officials to defect from the Cambodian government, which was installed and is supported by Vietnam, but he has never offered rewards for bringing military equipment with them.


Also included in the offer to defectors was $1,000 for anyone bringing with them a live Vietnamese soldier.

Vietnam has announced that the last of its soldiers left the country in September, but the resistance has insisted that tens of thousands of Vietnamese troops have remained behind disguised as Cambodian government soldiers.

Ranariddh offered $24,000 for helicopters or other aircraft, $6,000 for a Soviet-built T-54 tank and $2,000 for artillery pieces.
