
Santa Monica

This exhibition of works by Georgia O’Keeffe and her contemporaries is notable more for the illustriousness of the names than the paintings and drawings. Even O’Keeffe is poorly represented. Noteworthy, however, are her stunning charcoal drawing of a bulging “Banana Flower” done in 1934 and several of Marsden Hartley’s paintings.

Actually it is Hartley who shines in this grouping of such luminaries as Arthur Dove, Thomas Hart Benton and Joseph Stella. Hartley displays an unexpected sense of humor in the musical notation made from sea horses and shrimp of the 1938 “Musical Sea Notes.” More consistent with his intense nature is the “Fig Tree,” a small gem of color and movement.

In the adjoining space loving and insightful black-and-white photographs by Dan Budnik show the leathery O’Keeffe in her later years. (Marilyn Butler Gallery, 910 Colorado Ave., to Jan. 6.)
