
NATION : N.Y. Transit to Hike Fares 15%

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority voted today to increase transit fares, raising the New York City subway fare from $1 to $1.15.

The new fares, most of which represent an increase of about 15%, take effect Jan. 1.

They range from the 15-cent increase for subways and buses to a 50-cent rise to $4 for express buses in Queens and Staten Island and an 85-cent increase to $6.35 for the JFK airport express train.

The board approved the changes as demonstrators waved signs protesting the fare hike and chanted, “Do the right thing! Stop the fare hike!” One sign-holder was hustled from the hearing room after he approached the table where the board members were seated.


Initially, the Transit Authority had proposed sending bus and subway fares to $1.25 with discount packages of 18 selling for $20.
