
Romanian Rebuilding

The deaths of thousands of people in Timisoara and Bucharest were not in vain. The extent of the tyranny that ruled Romania is beyond belief. For such a monstrosity to be overcome so fast is in itself a miracle.

The battle is hardly over; although the cancerous core of the leadership is gone, the weight of the past must be now reshaped into a future. This could be the first time in recent history that America and the Soviet Union cooperate in the rebuilding of a shattered state and economy.

Romania needs all the help we can offer: Advisers from a mutual pool of human/technological resources provided through the United Nations and other international bodies. An unprecedented opportunity is now presenting itself; a global shift towards increased cooperation between the East and West on many levels previously thought impossible.


The bloody failure of the police state run by Ceausescu could have become a drawn-out civil war. Instead, it seems to be headed in a positive direction.

We can help Romania and Eastern Europe rebuild their economies, and work together towards a positive future. There are astounding implications for world peace and commerce, two faces of the same dream.



Mihai Manoliu is a Romanian refugee and American writer.
