
Santa Monica : Landmarks Ordinance Fails

The City Council failed to pass an ordinance Tuesday night that would have empowered the Landmarks Commission to delay demolition of pre-1930 structures while they are reviewed for historic district status.

The ordinance also would have allowed the delay of remodeling structures that are on a city list of 1,700 buildings under consideration for historic status. The motion lost 4 to 2.

Mayor Dennis Zane said he may introduce an ordinance similar to one that failed Tuesday. Last week, a proposed moratorium on the demolition of pre-1940s buildings also failed.


The council appropriated $30,000 Tuesday to complete and update the survey of structures that could be considered for historic status. The list was first compiled in 1982.

Residents, fearing the value of their homes may be affected by being on such a list, asked city officials to notify property owners if they are included.

Homeowners and real estate agents said the existence of the list will drive down property values and make the holdings harder to sell. Real estate agents say the list presents a liability because the law requires that buyers must be informed of anything that could affect property value.


But City Manager John Jalili said the list was compiled only to give the city an idea of how many buildings were built before World War II that could be of historic significance.
