
NATION : Miners Dispute Delays Air Bill

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

Senate leaders today abandoned efforts to complete key parts of a clean air bill before an upcoming weeklong recess after a dispute emerged over whether the government should provide $700 million in assistance to coal miners.

The coal miner assistance proposal, aimed at helping workers who lose their jobs because of tougher acid rain emission controls, threatened a compromise agreement on clean air legislation with the White House, which has vigorously opposed the measure as being too expensive.

“It has become apparent that we cannot complete action on the bill . . . this week,” said Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell (D-Me.). He said he expected the rest of the day to be spent primarily on the coal miner assistant proposal.


Senate leaders had been prepared Thursday night to bring the amendment, offered by Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), to a vote, but action was postponed when debate dragged past midnight.
