
The Ferguson-Badham Race for the Assembly

Your recent editorial (May 27) in opposition to Assemblyman Gil Ferguson’s reelection ought to take first prize in a bad fiction contest. Your claim that Ferguson has done little to improve the quality of life in his district is nonsense.

Ferguson has led the fight to rid California of the sale of degrading and demoralizing pornography from street-side vending machines. As vice chairman of the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee, Ferguson has tirelessly worked to maintain the fine balance between controlled growth and providing the necessary infrastructure for the residents of his district.

You have recommended that Republicans in the 70th District vote for the person challenging Ferguson, knowing that she is endorsed and financially supported by the labor unions of the AFL/CIO, and the very liberal National Organization for Women (NOW).


Ferguson, on the other hand, has been named Legislator of the Year and endorsed by the principal volunteer arm of our party, the California Republican Assembly, and our Republican Caucus, Young Americans for Freedom, Taxfighters Assn. and National Right to Work Foundation.

Ferguson represents the most Republican district in America. He is an effective and articulate spokesman for Republican goals and ideals as well as an effective advocate for the citizens of his district--regardless of their political affiliation.

The people of the 70th Assembly District want and deserve someone who is a fiscal conservative and who has worked for our party’s success.


Ferguson and his neighbors respect representatives who have shared experiences in raising a family, putting children through school, working hard to improve their standard of living and participating in efforts to better their community.

Until you endorse a candidate who fits that mold, Republican voters of the 70th Assembly District will rightly ignore your editorializing and recognize that The Times does not share their basic values.


Assembly Republican Leader

