
Wide Bodies: Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) says...

Compiled by Mike Spencer

Wide Bodies: Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) says body weight has nothing to with fitness of flight attendants and has urged American Airlines to change its policy of grounding those it considers chubby. Metzenbaum says American’s policy is “outdated and wrong,” and discriminates against women. “According to American’s flight attendants, the standard is applied in practice almost exclusively to the female attendants,” Metzenbaum wrote the airline. “Certainly it has no application whatsoever to the pilots, management or executive staff.” A 5-foot-5-inch attendant may weigh no more than 129 pounds at American.

The Answer: Don’t tell the Rev. Tim Snipes you can’t make it to services at the Farwell, Mich., Church of Christ. For those who say they like to sleep late, he provides cots. For those who say the church is too cold, he has blankets. For those who complain the building is too hot, he has fans. He also has cotton balls for the ears of those who say he’s too loud; shrubbery and turf for those who would rather worship out-of-doors, and a fish bowl for those who prefer to be fishing.

Honorarium: Former President Ronald Reagan says he was “shocked by the uproar” over his trip to Japan last year and the $2 million lecture fee he was paid. In an interview in the Aug. 12 Parade magazine, he admitted the fee “sounds a little out of line.” But, he denied he was “cashing in on the presidency,” pointing out that if he had returned to making movies, he would have commanded some “healthy fees.”


Listen to Mom: Alleged burglar Jose Cruz, 29, got motherly treatment from Ruth Wolko, 84, while police say he was holding her hostage Sunday. Besides cooking him a good breakfast, she scolded him to find another line of work, a New York City detective said. After 5 1/2 hours, Cruz surrendered, saying, “I’m sorry, Ruth,” as he was led off to jail.
